
Local Florists

A superior reputation, built one service at a time

We've compiled a list of local business that offer products and services you may find helpful when making your arrangements. If you don't see what you’re looking for, please feel free to contact us for assistance and recommendations on other local resources.

Magnolia Courtyard

Phone: (256) 723-5555

After hours For Emergencies & Funerals: (256-975-3215 or 256-975-3219)
5083 Main Street, New Hope, AL 35760


Southern Dale Florals

Contact Nikki Dudley

Phone: (256) 426-2262

Owens Cross Roads, AL


Woods Cove Flowers and Gifts

Phone: (256) 259-5100
Address: 107 Woods Cove Rd, Scottsboro, AL 35768


Rodney's Flower Shop

Phone: (256) 582-5354
Address: 2214 Henry Street, Guntersville, AL 35976


Glenn's of Huntsville

Phone: (256) 534-7872
Address: 2359 Whitesburg Drive S., Huntsville, AL 35801

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